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Gestione energetica del nuovo data center di Ingolstadt

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1 Gestione energetica del nuovo data center di Ingolstadt
Gestore: Audi AG Obiettivo: Corporate data center Nazione: Germania At its headquarters in Ingolstadt Technical Development currently gets a new business card: The "Forum simultaneous engineering" in the future, 450 employees spread over eight floors, to the cars of the future work. Already in mid-2012 in the cellar of over 70 million euro construction suggests the IT heart of the company: see in two basement levels on a 2000 square meter floor space up to 6000 server space. All essential IT services for the approximately 51,000 computer users at Audi are made available from there. Due to the low temperatures in the basement, Audi achieved significantly more efficient than previously in its three data centers in Ingolstadt. On energy-intensive compressors shall be omitted entirely. For an indirect free cooling, the outside air is tapped from only twelve degrees ambient temperature. The aim of the annual energy consumption could be reduced by about a third. Given the impending climate change surely this post is important. But green IT could make much more than show the actual examples in the automotive industry. "Although green IT has for years been on the agenda, ranging previous efforts in the sum of not even begin to compensate for the continually increasing IT-related energy consumption. We are still at the very beginning, "said Thomas Chiefs, the initiator of the" Green IT Best Practice Award "at this year's awards ceremony late November And he's right: In order to achieve real success, the focus should rather be on one driven by information technology resource efficiency. Which, however, requires a more forceful rethinking. And not only the CIOs. The new building is an important step towards CO2 reduction in IT. We will "reduce our annual energy consumption from 2012 to at least a third, says Klaus Straub, Chief Information Officer (CIO) at AUDI AG. 2009, the energy consumption of the current three data centers in Ingolstadt was at 17 million kWh. Equivalent to the annual energy consumption of 4,250 single-family homes with an average consumption of 4,000 kWh. Audi relies on "Green IT", a holistic approach to reducing energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions in IT. Also contributes to the placement of the new data center in two basement levels. Because it is much cooler in the basement, the energy-intensive chillers for cooling the server with a much better efficiency can be operated. The new building is the so-called "indirect free cooling" system. According to this principle as early as 12 degrees ambient temperature is cooled by outside air. "The issue of cooling is very important. Here we see a potential savings of 50 percent of energy, "said Straub. Among the technical equipment for the new Audi relies on devices with high efficiency and low energy loss, such as loss-free transformers. As a buffer for uninterrupted power supply instead of the previously used energy-efficient flywheel energy storage batteries are used, the also have a four times longer than conventional lead-acid batteries. Together with the entire SE forum scheduled for 1 July 2012 go the new data center with about 9,000 square meters, after three years of construction. Available Documents Audi SE-Forum

2 Data Center (RZ-CDC) Ingolstadt
In questa nuova sede saranno riunite diverse divisioni per dare il “calcio d’inizio” al processo del prodotto e per la gestione dell’ingegnerizzazione simultanea dei progetti per i veicoli futuri dell’intera Audi AG. Il forum, integrato nel SE-RZ, è basato su "Green IT", un approccio integrale per la riduzione sia del consumo energetico, che per la riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 nell’industria dell’IT. Dati Inizio della costruzione: Agosto 2009 Fine della costruzione: Settembre 2012 2000 m² di superficie, su due piani Spazio per 6000 server per 51,000 computer utente Specifiche dell’edificio Edificio a 10 piani BRI m³ BGF m²

3 Esigenze per la gestione energetica
La conservazione delle risorse e la sostenibilità degli edifici, per Audi è tanto importante quanto l’industria dell’auto. L’utilizzo efficiente dell’energia è caratterizzato da edifici a bilancio neutro di CO2 da location a zero emissioni di CO2, come Ingolstadt. Standard industriali favorevoli per l’hardware e plug 'n play Analisi comparativa dell’hardware totale installato nel data center Misura flessibile di tutte le prese di alimentazione per ogni rack / server Applicazione integrata per la valutazione immediata ai livelli gestionale e tecnico Lettura "on demand and remote" per ogni utente via iPad, PC, ecc. Sommario di tutti i dati raccolti in un sistema SQL Acquisizione di circa 10,000 porte individuali (costo / efficacia) Quadro elettrico di potenza della Siemens, con contatori di energia elettrica Saia (connessione a SQL centrale via SNMP) > Progettista:

4 Topologia di cella / nodi di celle
PC iPad iPhone Android Gestione - accesso: Integrazione Modbus per PUE – valori correnti Topologia di una cella (totale 12x) Operatività locale: Touch-Panel / iPad A green line power supply, power supply Yellow Line B Box are current tap-off units with 4 ALE-3 meters with S-bus or optional Mod_Bus 4 modules, a 6-cell, a 2 rows, a 2 rails, a 14 boxes, a counter 4 25 knots and 2688 meter (full configuration) Web access PW: 3333 Topologia della gestione dati

5 2688 contatori di energia ALE3 in piena espansione
Dati 12 celle, approssimativamente 30,000 letture per cella In totale, circa 1,700 contatori ALE3 (trifase con modulo bus integrato) 13 nodi (hot-standby ridondante con PCD2.M5540) Integrazione PUE per Modbus dal controllo edificio via Modbus PCD1.M2160 Operatività via IPad2 e Saia – App. 4 web panel MB locali da 15 " Diagnostica remota Internet / Intranet Configurazione, monitoraggio e completa valutazione via interfaccia web Trend, allarmi e memorizzazione dati / trasferimento dati via database SQL Integrazione allarmi / invio allarmi via SNMP Saia® WebEditor 8 Conclusion: Super flexible Data monitoring in real time Hayrdware in Industriestandt Software solution that uses Web / IT Standards, nothing propitiatory (CGI + SNMP) FREE WEB Bedieunung with various application depths! Extensible and customizable through the entire Lebenszyclus System Integrator: > Audi Testzelle S-Energy

6 Web-Panel di controllo per App (estratto) con Saia® WebEditor 8
Veduta gestionale per le persone responsabili (intranet / Internet) Livello dei tecnici – suddiviso da livelli di password PUE attuale, incluso feedback dell’area Livello di cella = livello di lavoro Pagina informativa – inclusa la vista degli allarmi correnti Pagina dei parametri (programmazione esclusivamente via browser) Conclusion: High efficiency thanks to modular system Solid Messwertterfassung, coupled with Industrial Grade Visu and IT communication without any additional software! Easy to handle with maximum performance, both in presentation and in the Datenerfasung in conjunction!

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