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Sergio Amarri UO Pediatria Azienda Ospedaliera Reggio Emilia

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Presentazione sul tema: "Sergio Amarri UO Pediatria Azienda Ospedaliera Reggio Emilia"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Sergio Amarri UO Pediatria Azienda Ospedaliera Reggio Emilia
Anticorpi Anti Gliadina Deamidata: un nuovo utile marker per la malattia celiaca Sergio Amarri UO Pediatria Azienda Ospedaliera Reggio Emilia

2 Sintomi tipici di malattia celiaca
diarrea vomito distensione addominale perdita di peso pallore anoressia magrezza edemi irritabilità

3 Manifestazioni extraintestinali
Dermatite erpetiforme Anemia sideropenica di ndd Bassa statura Ritardo puberale Infertilità ed aborti ricorrenti Alopecia areata Stomatite aftosa Ipoplasia smalto dentario Ipertransaminasemia di ndd Epilessia farmaco-resistente, atassia , polineurite Osteoporosi Miocardiopatia dilatativa Artriti

4 Quadri clinici e malattie associate
Tiroidite di Hashimoto Diabete tipo I: 3 – 8 % Sindrome Down: 5 – 12 % Sindrome di Turner Sindrome di Sjogren Deficit IgA Sclerosi multipla Cirrosi biliare primitiva


6 Sensibilità e Specificità
Sensibilità = a/(a+c) Specificità = d/(b+d) Alta sensibilità = pochi falsi negativi (c)! Alta specificità = pochi falsi positivi (b)!

7 Combinazioni marker celiachia EMA-IgA AGA-IgA. AGA-IgG. Diagnosi
Combinazioni marker celiachia EMA-IgA AGA-IgA* AGA-IgG* Diagnosi anti-tTG IgA anti-tTG IgG * AGA < 2 anni di età. Anti-tTG positivi conferma EMA

8 Utilità marker celiachia
Anti-transglutaminasi IgA (il più utile) Limiti: deficit di IgA e primi due anni di vita EMA IgA (meno sensibile e più specifico della tTG si usa per conferma) Limiti: costoso e legato all’interpretazione dell’operatore Anti-transglutaminasi IgG (poco accurato) AGA IgA (utile sotto i due anni di vita) AGA IgG (di scarsa utilità)


10 Celiac Disease NEJM 2007; 357:1731-1743 Peter H. R
Celiac Disease NEJM 2007; 357: Peter H.R. Green and Christophe Cellier


12 Lewis&Scott. Deamidated gliadin and tTG compared as screening for coeliac disease. Aliment Pharmacol 2010 IgA - DGP IgA - tTG

13 Lewis&Scott. Deamidated gliadin and tTG compared as screening for coeliac disease. Aliment Pharmacol 2010 IgA - DGP IgA - tTG

14 Combination testing for antibodies in the diagnosis of coeliac disease: comparison of multiplex immunoassay ELISA methods. Aliment Pharmacol 2008; 28: Test κ- Statistics Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) MIA ELISA† DGP IgA 0.89 71.6* 75.0* 92.7 95.2 83.9* 86.8* DGP IgG 0.86 66.3 65.2 96.8 98.4 83.8 84.3 TTG IgA 0.97 81.8* 79.3* 91.5* 90.5* TTG IgG 0.48 13.0 28.3 100.0 63.0 67.6

15 Combination testing for antibodies in the diagnosis of coeliac disease: comparison of multiplex immunoassay ELISA methods. Aliment Pharmacol 2008; 28: Test κ-Statistics Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) MIA ELISA DGP IgA or IgG 0.87 77.8 78.3 90.2 94.4 85.0 87.5 TTG IgA or IgG 0.93 82.2 80.4 98.4 96.0 91.5 89.4 DGP IgA or TTG IgA 83.0 92.7 95.2 86.6 90.1 DGP IgG or TTG IgA 0.96 84.4 82.6 95.9 97.6 91.1 91.2 DGP IgA or IgG or TTG IgA 0.91 85.6 83.7 88.3 89.8 DGP IgA or IgG or TTG IgA or IgG 0.88 91.9 88.4

16 Combination testing for antibodies in the diagnosis of coeliac disease: comparison of multiplex immunoassay ELISA methods. Aliment Pharmacol 2008; 28: Test Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Accuracy (%) MIA ELISA DGP IgA and IgG 0.90 60.0 61.4 99.2 82.7 83.5 TTG IgA and IgG 0.50 11.1 25.3 100.0 62.6 68.7 DGP IgA and TTG IgA 0.96 70.5 71.3 98.4 86.7 87.2 DGP IgG and TTG IgA 0.88 63.3 60.9 84.1 83.4 DGP IgA and IgG and TTG IgA 0.91 58.6 82.5 DGP IgA and IgG and TTG IgA and IgG 0.57 20.7 66.8

17 Volta et al. Deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies as a routine test for celiac disease: a prospective analysis J Clin Gastroenterol 2009

18 test SENSIBILITA’ SPECIFICITA’ IgA tTG 93,7% 96,6% IgA EMA 91,6% 100%
Volta et al. Deamidated gliadin peptide antibodies as a routine test for celiac disease: a prospective analysis J Clin Gastroenterol 2009 test SENSIBILITA’ SPECIFICITA’ IgA tTG 93,7% 96,6% IgA EMA 91,6% 100% IgA DGP 84,3% 79,8% IgG DGP 82,3% 98,9%

19 Individual values of AGA IgA II, AGA IgG II, and tTG IgA measured in the sera of children with (CD) or without (CS) typical celiac disease duodenal histology Basso, D. et al. Clin Chem 2009;55: Copyright ©2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry

20 Basso, D. et al. Clin Chem 2009;55:150-157
Positive result Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV AGA IgA II and tTG IgA 80.7 100 80.4 AGA IgA II or tTG IgA 92.5 90.6 AGA IgG II and tTG IgA 77.6 99.2 77.8 AGA IgG II or tTG IgA 95.0 95.3 96.2 93.8 AGA IgA II and AGA IgG II and tTG IgA 72.0 73.8 AGA IgA II or AGA IgG II or tTG IgA 89.8 92.2 93.4

21 ROC curves of AGA IgA II, AGA IgG II, and tTG IgA in distinguishing celiac disease from control children without total IgA deficiency Basso, D. et al. Clin Chem 2009;55: Copyright ©2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry

22 Median values, interquartile range, and outliers of AGA IgA II, AGA IgG II, and tTG IgA of children with CD subdivided according to Marsh-Oberhuber classification Basso, D. et al. Clin Chem 2009;55: Copyright ©2009 American Association for Clinical Chemistry

23 Sensitivity (%) of antibody tests at more than 99% specificity*
Antibodies Against Deamidated Gliadin as New and Accurate Biomarkers of Childhood Coeliac Disease JPGN 2009: 49;52-58 23

24 Antibodies Against Deamidated Gliadin as New and Accurate Biomarkers of Childhood Coeliac Disease
JPGN 2009: 49;52-58 24

25 Serum and intestinal celiac disease-associated antibodies in children with celiac disease < 2 years of age JPGN 2010; 50:43-48 25

26 (Amarri & Volta) Pazienti celiaci sesso: 4 F, 3M età: range 16 – 28 mesi sintomi all’esordio: diarrea, addome globoso, ipotonia muscolare, calo ponderale, astenia, famigliarità (1) *AGA IgA vn <10, borderline 8-15, positivo > 15


28 Controlli sesso: 3 F e 3 M età: range mesi patologie: neurologiche, polmonari, F-U soggetti asintomatici per infezioni peri-natali Tutti i marker di celiachia e altri auto-anticorpi negativi, solo un caso di AGA IgA borderline (6.8) AGA IgA vn <10, borderline 8-15, positivo > 15

29 Adattato da Basso, D. et al. Clin Chem 2009;55:150-157
Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV ≤ 2 anni AGA IgA II 80.0 93.8 96.0 71.4 AGA IgG II 96.7 100 94.1 tTG IgA 90 84.2

30 Change in DGP antibodies and TGAA in children receiving GFD vs regular diet
Liu, Edwin et al JPGN 2007 30

31 Liu, Edwin et al JPGN 2007 Top, In children treated with GFD, DGP antibody levels significantly decreased (most resolved); however, children receiving a regular diet had persistently high levels of DGP antibodies. Bottom, TGAA levels also decreased significantly with GFD treatment, compared with children receiving a regular diet; however, the majority of children treated with GFD remained TGAA positive. 31

32 Liu, Edwin et al JPGN 2007 Representative graphs of children treated with GFD over time. Arrow indicates time of biopsy with confirmed celiac disease, and institution of GFD. Sometimes, rarely, and never indicate patient-reported frequency of dietary indiscretion. A, Example of persistently positive TGAA with resolution of DGP antibodies. B, Example of transiently positive TGAA while DGP remained negative at all time points. C, Example of persistently positive TGAA and DGP antibodies. D, Example of complete resolution of both TGAA and DGP antibodies. Solid line = DGP antibody, dashed line = TGAA 32

33 Gliadina Deamidata (DGP)
L’anticorpo di classe IgG (IgG DGP) è la vera novità In aggiunta alle tTG aumenta la nostra capacità diagnostica IgG DGP: Può essere impiegato nei deficit di IgA Può essere impiegato sotto i due anni di età Permette una conferma diagnostica e aumenta la specificità dei due test combinati IgG DGP è un marcatore più tempestivo della aderenza alla dieta aglutinata

34 Possibile variazione iter diagnostico sierologico
IgA tTG IgA tTG IgA EMA IgA AGA IgG DGP IgG tTG Adattato da Volta et al. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010

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