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Educational Campaign Etna, Volcano of Peace: the geo-history intercultural approach against war Under the patronage of Fondazione Basso, Roma.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Educational Campaign Etna, Volcano of Peace: the geo-history intercultural approach against war Under the patronage of Fondazione Basso, Roma."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Educational Campaign Etna, Volcano of Peace: the geo-history intercultural approach against war
Under the patronage of Fondazione Basso, Roma

2 Istituto comprensivo Fontanarossa, Catania a.s. 2014-2015
Principal: Concetta Tumminia Coordinator: Melita Cristaldi

3 … and if peace exploded?

4 The Educational Campaign "Etna, Volcan of the Peace” is an initiative proposed by the educationalist Giovanni Pampanini during his seminars of Geo-history at the Institute Fontanarossa in Catania (Sicily) The Principal, Concetta Tumminia, appreciating the importance of this initiative at a time in which many wars are plaguing the world, assumed it as the file rouge of the Geo-history teaching activities of this school year The goal of the Campaign is to promote Intercultural Intelligence (Pampanini, 2011) and Global Competences (Boix Mansilla, Jackson, 2011) in both students and teachers The core is war in its various today manifestations Geo-history Pedagogy is crucial in this regard to enable students to understand how local events are also global The Campaign aims to involve schools and other educational institutions in order to collect signatures, including those of children, which will symbolically surround the Volcano Etna to send a message of peace to the whole world The initiative is under a process of nationalization and internationalization

5 Do you want to join this Campaign?
Send a message to the coordinator, Melita Cristaldi, at and you will be added to the list of the school website Fontanarossa, Do at least one Geo-history seminar on the current wars (in which territory are they, what are the causes, search for peaceful solutions to the conflicts) and record a short video (1-2 minutes max) on it to be sent to All videos will form a single movie that will be shown during the second Global Educational Manifestation (GEM), on 4th June, 2015, h Italian time, Fontanarossa school; Realise an Orbital Classroom, a connexion Skype that will put in contact your pupils/students with the pupils/students of Fontanarossa Institute Collect “symbolic signatures against war" in your school, university or other educational institution and send us a photo; Participate to the second Global Education Manifestation (GEM), on 4th June, 2015 via Skype. The GEM consists of: video-conference and panel discussion on the theme: Intercultural Education : A contribution to the world peace showing the videos made by schools and universities that have joined the Campaign

6 Posters made ​​by pupils of kindergarten, primary schools and middle school of Fontanarossa, Catania

7 16th September 2014: the school Fontanarossa inaugurates Educational Campaign "Etna, Volcano of Peace”

8 The launch of the balloons with a message against the war

9 The "signature against the war“ of the Principal

10 Giovanni Pampanini during a seminar of intercultural Geo-history

11 Collection of "signatures against war" in Park Falcone, Catania 

12 Collection of "signatures against war" at the Alliance Française of Catania

INIZIATIVA DEGLI ALUNNI DELL’ISTITUTO FONTANAROSSA I ragazzi dell’istituto “Fontanarossa” hanno lanciato un messaggio di amore e speranza. “E se scoppiasse la pace? ”. Simbolo di questa iniziativa è l’Etna, patrimonio dell’umanità e, in questa occasione, patrimonio di tutti coloro che sognano un mondo senza conflitti e divisioni. Un progetto interculturale che vede i sette plessi dell’istituto comprensivo “Fontanarossa” in prima linea per un’iniziativa che presto sarà estesa anche nelle altre scuole della provincia etnea e non solo. «Tutto è cominciato con un corso di formazione di Giovanni Pampagnini dell’Asp - afferma la dirigente Concetta Tumminia - Partire dalla Geostoria per compiere un percorso che ha riguardato lo sviluppo di una preghiera collettiva per la pace. In tutto il mondo si compiono orrori assurdi contro l’umanità. Per questo noi vogliamo cominciare da Librino, zona di frontiera, dove prendere la strada sbagliata è molto semplice». La scuola di Fontanarossa diventa così il motore di un messaggio universale. Il cuore di un territorio che vuole cambiare e trasformare l’Etna in un vulcano della pace. Una prospettiva che presto sarà ben visibile attraverso dei cartelloni che verranno affissi in tutto il quartiere. Un “benvenuto” per accogliere degnamente quei visitatori che sbarcheranno all’aeroporto. Tuesday, 30th of September, Daily Newspaper LA SICILIA

14 The international joined (up to January 2015)
International and Comparative Education, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; School of Business, Global NXT University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; English department, ENS, Univ. Mohamed V – Agdal, Rabat, Morocco; Africain Social Forum, Senegal; Liceo N. 5, Montevideo, Uruguay; Institut Panafricain de Psychomotricité et Relaxation, Douala, Cameroon; Students of the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Área 5: Teoría pedagógica y formación docente, Ciudad de México, México; Escuela Municipal Arthur Miranda de Carvalho, Mirangaba, Bahia, Brazil; Higher School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal; International Cultural Association Gabriella Bianco & Robert Steve Bingham; Asolapo Italia

15 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the videoconference with Prof
First GEM (10th December, 2014): the videoconference with Prof. Zacharie Zachariev, former director at Unesco, and Dr. La Salete Coelho, High School of Education , Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

16 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the video against war made by the school girls of the High School of Education , Viana do Castelo, Portugal.

17 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the seminar against war made by the pupils of the school Arthur Miranda de Carvalho, Mirangaba, Bahia, Brazil

18 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the seminar against war made by the pupils of Fontanarossa Institute, Catania

19 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the video made by students of the school Dante Alighieri, Catania

20 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the collection of signatures against war made by the students of the University of Mexico-City, Mexico.

21 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the video that show the all the signatures collected against war.

22 First GEM (10th December, 2014): the volcano Etna, realized by the pupils, the teachers, and the parents of the pupils of the Fontanarossa Institute, Catania.

23 Published on Saturday 27th December 2014 by LA SICILIA, Catania.

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