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Sandra Solco University of Salerno. Can we define the characteristics of teachers? A project of research. Key Words Teacher role, method teaching, profession.

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Presentazione sul tema: "Sandra Solco University of Salerno. Can we define the characteristics of teachers? A project of research. Key Words Teacher role, method teaching, profession."— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Sandra Solco University of Salerno

2 Can we define the characteristics of teachers? A project of research. Key Words Teacher role, method teaching, profession quality.

3 The article is a reflection on the professionalism of teachers and its features. The author wonders if it is possible to outline some characteristics of the teaching role. The research examines an international research program of the European Community, qualitative research, research Talis.

4 Subsequently, the article offers a reflection on data of a qualitative research put in place in schools in province of Salerno. The data emerging from this research on professionalism are an opportunity to reflect.

5 The hypothesis of research is that it’s impossible to outline objective characteristics of teachers today because of the changing society. The researchers use for the project a random sample. They choose 100 teachers of primary and secondary school. They went in each school and they explain to sample of teachers the aim of research and they said them that the project wanted know if it’s possible to define the role of teachers in borders.

6 The tools used for research are: Questionnaires Focus group semi-structured interview

7 The research was on qualitative and quantitative research because it combined two approaches. The use of qualitative technique let to deep some problems that regards the motivation and let to know better some issues of educative needs. The research think that it’s difficult to analyze the theme of relationship between teacher and student with quantitative method.

8 The researchers showed to teachers this diagram and they asked them to reflect about it and after to discuss about it to define some characteristics of teachers. teacher disciplinary knowledge relationship metacognitive process cognitive process

9 Outcome of research The data showed that the sample of teachers believed that it’s very difficult to outline the role of teachers today because of the great change in word of knowledge and generally in word, but they thought that are some necessary skills that are indispensable to be a qualitative teacher today.

10 We can summarize the collecting date: specific knowledge about the core of teaching subject; methodology to teach, that regards a lot of techniques from brain storming, cooperative learning, laboratory didactic, ecc; relationship with student, whit other teachers, with families and with social contest; assessment as the skill to reflect on the learning - teaching process the bottom to reprogram the teaching and learning process and the bottom to improve every day this process.

11 At the end we can say that it’s impossible to outline characteristics of the teacher definitely because he is a worker but he works with the human capital that is unpredictable and it is wonderful in its unpredictability.

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