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Cellule staminali Stem cells

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1 Cellule staminali Stem cells
Si autorigenerano (self renewal) Capacità di differenziarsi in cellule differenti

2 stem cell stem cell SELF-RENEWAL (copying) specialized cell e.g. muscle cell, nerve cell DIFFERENTIATION (specializing)

3 Types of stem cell: 1) Embryonic stem cells

4 Embryonic stem (ES) cells:
Where we find them blastocyst outer layer of cells = ‘trophectoderm’ cells inside = ‘inner cell mass’ culture in the lab to grow more cells fluid with nutrients embryonic stem cells taken from the inner cell mass Embryonic stem cells: Where they come from Embryonic stem (ES) cells are taken from inside the blastocyst, a very early stage embryo. The blastocyst is a ball of about cells and it is not yet implanted in the womb. It is made up of an outer layer of cells, a fluid-filled space and a group of cells called the inner cell mass. ES cells are found in the inner cell mass. For a simple, clear explanation of how embryonic stem cells are obtained, watch the film, “A Stem Cell Story”, at 4

5 Embryonic stem (ES) cells:
What they can do all possible types of specialized cells differentiation embryonic stem cells PLURIPOTENT Embryonic stem cells: What they can do Embryonic stem cells are exciting because they can make all the different types of cell in the body – scientists say these cells are pluripotent. 5

6 Embryonic stem (ES) cells:
Challenges skin grow under conditions A neurons grow under conditions B liver grow under conditions D blood grow under conditions C embryonic stem cells Embryonic stem cells: Challenges Scientists around the world are trying to understand how and why embryonic stem cells produce skin, blood, nerve or any other particular kind of specialized cell. What controls the process so that the stem cells make the right amount of each cell type, at the right time? The big challenge for scientists is to learn how to control these fascinating cells. If we could force embryonic stem cells to make whatever kind of cell we want, then we would have a powerful tool for developing treatments for disease. For example, perhaps we could grow new insulin-producing cells to transplant into a patient with diabetes. But there is a great deal to learn before such therapies can be developed. Scientists also want to use stem cells to: Understand how diseases develop (disease modelling) Test drugs in the laboratory ? 6

7 Cellule totipotenti: possono formare l’intero organismo
Genera ogni cellula del corpo, compresa la placenta e i tessuti extra-embrionali Cellule totipotenti: possono formare l’intero organismo In grado di generare tutte le cellule del corpo, ad eccezione placenta e nei tessuti extra-embrionali Cellule pluripotenti: NON possono formare l’intero organismo Differentiation is the process in which stem cells “mature,” or turn into more specialized cell types. IMPORTANT As young as the 16-cell stage in an embryo, stem cells commit to different lineages, or differentiation pathways, that form the different cellular families of the body. Multipotent/Pluripotent/Totipotent – a stem cell’s ability to turn into different types of cells. M/P/T Describe a cell’s stage of maturity (remember: what you want to be when you grow up?) Think of it this way: embryonic stem cells are like milk—whip it and it’ll become whipped cream, churn it and it’ll become butter, or freeze it to make ice-cream…at each stage there are less dairy products that can be made, and you can’t go backwards to make milk from cheese. 2. Right after fertilization and a couple cell divisions, you get an 8-cell “morula.” If one of these cells is removed, it can still become all parts of a human, including the placenta. Ask class: what do you think toti- means? (TOTAL) –these are totipotent cells 3. After the cells form a blastocyst, the ICM cells become pluripotent Ask: what does pluri- mean? PLURAL 4. In development, cells will start differentiating into stem cells further along in their fate (SCIENTISTS AND FATE) Hematopoeitic, neural, mesenchymal…are multipotent Ask: what does multi- mean? MULTIPLE Scientists don’t think these so-called “adult stem cells” can transdifferentiate, or move laterally through the lineages (cheese  butter? NO WAY). But this hasn’t been completely disproven yet. Wouldn’t it be cool to go get liposuction and turn your fat stem cells into muscle cells? Diventano specifici tipi cellulari; possono o no avere plasticità

8 Types of stem cell: 2) Tissue stem cells

9 Cellule staminali adulte
Sono cellule che si trovano nel tessuto post-natale che può produrre solo i tipi di cellule specializzate del tessuto da cui hanno origine: cellule staminali emopoietiche - danno origine a cellule del sangue cellule staminali mesenchimali - danno origine a cellule dei tessuti connettivi e ossa cellule staminali del cordone ombelicale - una ricca fonte di cellule staminali ematopoietiche Le cellule staminali trovate nel liquido amniotico - potrebbe essere più flessibile di cellule staminali adulte Hematopoietic—bone marrow transplants Bone Marrow Transplant – put patient through chemotherapy to eliminate diseased bone marrow cells; obtain healthy donor hematopoietic stem cells and inject them back into the patient. All that is necessary for repopulation is one HSC. If time, LAUREL can draw relationship between MSCs and HSCs on board (MSCs turn into the cells that make bone, etc. that support the HSCs) Umbilical cord stem cells—even though they’re associated with the fetus, these are NOT hESCs. Hold potential: After a baby’s born parents can pay to store UCB stem cells to use if their child gets a disease, or they can be donated to help another child. Amniotic fluid SCs –relatively recent discovery, not known for sure whether they’re more like adult or embryonic…people hope that they’re pluripotent (erase ethical issues)

10 Tissue stem cells: Where we find them
surface of the eye brain skin breast intestines (gut) testicles Tissue stem cells: Where we find them We all have stem cells in our bodies all the time. They are essential for keeping us fit and healthy. They replace cells that are damaged or used up. Scientists are still learning about all the different kinds of tissue stem cells found in our bodies and how they work. bone marrow muscles 10

11 Tissue stem cells: What they can do
blood stem cell differentiation found in bone marrow only specialized types of blood cell: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets Tissue stem cells: What they can do Tissue stem cells can often make several kinds of specialized cell, but they are more limited than embryonic stem cells. Tissue stem cells can ONLY make the kinds of cell found in the tissue they belong to. So, blood stem cells can only make the different kinds of cell found in the blood. Brain stem cells can only make different types of brain cell. Muscle stem cells can only make muscle cells. And so forth. Scientists say that tissue stem cells are multipotent because they can make multiple types of specialized cell, but NOT all the kinds of cell in your body. MULTIPOTENT 11

12 Sviluppo delle cellule staminali ematopoietiche
Progenitori Multipotenti Progenitori ristretti Cellule mature Le HSC possono essere suddivise in HSC che si auto-rinnovano a lungo termine , HSC che si auto-rinnovano a breve termine e cellule progenitrici multipotenti (frecce rosse indicano self-renewal). Essi danno luogo a comuni progenitori linfoidi (CLPs, i precursori di tutte le cellule linfoidi) e comuni progenitori mieloidi (CMPS, i precursori di tutte le cellule mieloidi). Entrambi CMPS / BPF (precursori dei macrofagi granulociti) e CLPs possono dare origine a tutte le cellule dendritiche. Stem Cells Reya et al Nature 414:

13 Wnt Signaling Pathway Fodde, R et al., Nat Rev Cancer (2001) 1:57-67

14 MicroAmbiente delle cellule staminali
Il mantenimento e la sopravvivenza delle cellule staminali è regolato da fattori prodotti del microambiente che le circondano, spesso definito come la 'nicchia delle cellule staminali'. La nicchia rappresenta un comparto anatomico che fornisce i segnali alle cellule staminali in forma di molecole di superficie e cellulari che controllano: il tasso di proliferazione il destino delle cellule staminali figlie, protezione delle cellule staminali dalla morte. Ma dove si trovano le nicchie?



17 A dispetto delle moltissime ricerche nel campo, la percentuale di sopravvivenza è passata dal 50% nel1970 al 66% nel 2008 e il cancro rimane la seconda causa di morte. Le terapie spesso falliscono e le cellule cancerose diventano resistenti: LA BIOLOGIA DEL CANCRO NON E’ ANCORA CHIARITA

18 Il cancro è eterogeneo Tumori che derivano da pazienti differenti sono differenti (morfologie, marker sulla superficie, risposta alla terapia) All’interno di un tumore le cellule cancerose non sono tra loro identiche (variazioni genetiche e epigenetiche)

19 Modelli di eterogeneità tumorale
Evoluzione clonale Clonal evolution Cellule staminali del cancro Cancer stem cells

20 Cellule staminali del cancro
Evoluzione clonale Clonal evolution Cellule staminali del cancro Cancer stem cells

21 I tumori derivano da cellule normali che mutatano e generano cellule anormali che anch’esse mutano formando una massa variegata di cellule tumorali La maggior parte delle cellule tumorali possono contribuire al mantenimento del tumore


23 Cancro al colon: Progressione da adenoma precoce a carcinoma invasivo riflette l’accusione progressiva di mutazioni in specifici geni correlati al cancro (oncogeni e soppressori tumorali)

24 Cellule staminali del cancro
Evoluzione clonale Clonal evolution Cellule staminali del cancro Cancer stem cells


26 Self-renewal Assay in NOD/SCID Mice
(Non-obese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency) FACS Cell Sorter Cancer Cells (ex: Leukaemia cells CD34+ è una glicoproteina usata come marker di cellule ematopoietiche pluripotenti Frequenza delle cellule cd434+/cd28- : 1/

27 Self-renewal Assay in NOD/SCID Mice
For solid tumors: surgical orthotopic implantation (SOI) CD24 Expression CD44 Expression FACS Cell Sorter Single Cell Suspension Solid Tumor Mince (small pieces) Surgical Implantation 100 cellule cd44+/cd24- provocano tumore, mentre cellule con fenotipi diversi non hanno nessun effetto

28 Breast Cancer Stem Cells: CD44+ CD24low Lin- B38.1+ ESA+
CD44 and CD24 – adhesion molecules B38.1 – breast/ovarian cancer-specific marker ESA – epithelial specific antigen Al-Hajj, Muhammad et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100,

29 Stem Cells in the Nervous System

30 CSCs del cervello: CD133+ CD133 – neuronal stem cell marker
Le CSCs del cervello sono state identificate nei campioni di tumore atraverso la tecnica delle neurosfere normalmente utilizzata per isolare le cellule neurali staminali. GFAP = glial fibrillary acidic protein Singh et. al Cancer Research 63:

31 Le CSCs del cervello sono state identificate con trapianto intracraniale di cellule CD133+ nel cervello di topi SCID adulti CD133+ CD133- Singh et al Nature 432:

32 I tumori consistono di 2 tipi cellulari con funzioni distinte:
Le Cancer stem cell (CSC) la progenie che non ha la capacità di autorigenerarsi (self-renewing) Il tumore ha un arrangiamento gerarchico e le CSC sono le cellule capaci di A) iniziare B) sostenere e C) espandere la malattia

33 Cosa sono le cancer stem cells (CSC)????
Sotto-insieme di cellule tumorali che hanno l’abilità di autorigenerarsi e generare diverse cellule che compongono il tumore Riflettono proprietà “stem-like” e l’abilità di sostenere in modo continuo la tumorigenesi La capacità di differenziarsi in qualsiasi tipo cellulare NON è una caratteristica PECULIARE delle CSC

34 Proprietà condivise dalle cellule staminali normali e dalle cancer stem cells
Divisione Asimmetrica: Self renewal stem cells normali tessuto specifiche devono autoregenerarsi per il mantenimento di specifici organi Cancer stem cells si autorigenerano per mantenere la crescita tumorale - Differenziamento in cellule mature fenotipicamente differenti Producono una popolazione eterogenea di cellule che compongono l’organo o il tumore ma che non sono in grado di proliferare in modo illimitato ( arrangiamento gerarchico delle cellule) Regolati da pathway simili Pathways che regolano il self-renewal delle staminali sono disregolati nellle cancer stem cells

35 Quali cellule nella gerarchia sono Cancer stem cells?

36 Riscostituzione in vivo

37 Cancer stem cell = stem cell che diventano cancerose
Cancer stem cells = cellule normali che ricevono il primo imput che porta alla tumorogenesi e che acquisiscono la capacità di autorigenerarsi

38 La nicchia delle CSCs

39 Pathways coinvolti nel self-renewal che sono deregolati nelle CSCs
Wnt, Shh, and Notch pathways have been shown to contribute to the self-renewal of stem cells and/or progenitors in a variety of organs, including the haematopoietic and nervous systems. When dysregulated, these pathways can contribute to oncogenesis. Mutations of these pathways have been associated with a number of human tumours, including colon carcinoma and epidermal tumours (Wnt), medulloblastoma and basal cell carcinoma (Shh), and T-cell leukaemias (Notch).

40 La presenza delle CSCs potrebbe spiegare il fatto che le terapie convenzionali spesso falliscono

41 Implicazioni teraupetiche delle CSCs
La maggior parte delle terapie non considera la differenza tra la sensibilità alle droghe delle CSCs e della progenie non tumorigenica La maggior parte delle terapie risparmia le cancer stem cells quiescienti.

42 Metastasi Processo attraverso il quale le cellule lasciano il tumore primario, viaggiano, attraverso il sisteme circolatorio, in un sito distante dove stabiliscono un tumore secondario. La metastasi dipende dalla crescita tumorela, dall’angiogenesi, dalle capacità invasive e dalla sopravvivenza della cellula Es. per i tumori epiteliali, la transizione epitelio-mesenchima (EMT) è considerato un evento cruciale per il processo metastatico che prevede l’acquisizione da parte delle cellule epiteliali del fenotipo migratorio tipico dielle cellule mesenchimali

43 La Metastasi è un processo multiplo
Vascolarizzazione del tumore primario Il tumore cresce attraverso la sintesi e la secrezione di fattori angiogenici Invasione dello stroma degli organi attraverso ad esempio espressione di enzimi come MMP9 e successiva invasione dei canali vascolari e linfatici Evitare una volta entrati nel sistema vascolare o linfatico, i meccanismi immuni o non-immuni

44 Arrestarsi nei capillari vicino organi bersaglio
Invadere in organi distali target Sopravvivere e proliferare negli organi bersaglio Dipende da multiple interazioni (“cross-talk”) tra le cellule tumorali e il microambiente dell’organo ospitante

45 Le cellule metastatiche sono cellule staminali cancerose migranti????
Sommario: Processo Metastatico Le cellule metastatiche sono cellule staminali cancerose migranti????

46 mCSC = Cellule staminali cancerose metastatche

47 Cell Stem Cell. 2007 Sep 13;1(3):313-23.
Distinct populations of cancer stem cells determine tumor growth and metastatic activity in human pancreatic cancer. Hermann PC, Huber SL, Herrler T, Aicher A, Ellwart JW, Guba M, Bruns CJ, Heeschen C. Department of Surgery, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. Abstract Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is currently the fourth leading cause for cancer-related mortality. Stem cells have been implicated in pancreatic tumor growth, but the specific role of these cancer stem cells in tumor biology, including metastasis, is still uncertain. We found that human pancreatic cancer tissue contains cancer stem cells defined by CD133 expression that are exclusively tumorigenic and highly resistant to standard chemotherapy. In the invasive front of pancreatic tumors, a distinct subpopulation of CD133(+) CXCR4(+) cancer stem cells was identified that determines the metastatic phenotype of the individual tumor. Depletion of the cancer stem cell pool for these migrating cancer stem cells virtually abrogated the metastatic phenotype of pancreatic tumors without affecting their tumorigenic potential. In conclusion, we demonstrate that a subpopulation of migrating CD133(+) CXCR4(+) cancer stem cells is essential for tumor metastasis. Strategies aimed at modulating the SDF-1/CXCR4 axis may have important clinical applications to inhibit metastasis of cancer stem cells.

48 La presenza delle CSCs potrebbe spiegare il fatto che le terapie convenzionali spesso falliscono

49 Ricerche correnti stanno dimostrando che un singolo marker universale non può esistere Ad es: uno dei primi marker di CSC di tumori celebrali ad essere identificato è stato CD133, ma evidenze recenti hanno dimostrato che non tutti i tumori celebrali possiedono popolazione di CSC che sono CD133+ Inoltre bisogna considerare che: la possibile esistenza di più popolazioni di CSCs all’interno dello stesso tumore Non tutti i cancri potrebbero essere guidati da CSCs (Es. IPS:Indiced Pluripotent Stem cell)

50 3)Induced pluripotent (iPS)
Types of stem cell: 3)Induced pluripotent (iPS) stem cells 50

51 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)
cell from the body ‘genetic reprogramming’ = add certain genes to the cell induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell behaves like an embryonic stem cell all possible types of specialized cells culture iPS cells in the lab differentiation Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) Note: This slide contains a lot of information and may be too complex for some audiences unless there is plenty of time for explanations and discussions. What are iPS cells? In 2006, scientists discovered that it is possible to make a new kind of stem cell in the laboratory. They found that they could transform skin cells from a mouse into cells that behave just like embryonic stem cells. In 2007, researchers did this with human cells too. The new stem cells that are made in the lab are called induced pluripotent stem cells. Just like embryonic stem cells, they can make all the different types of cell in the body – so we say they are pluripotent. Making induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is a bit like turning back time. Scientists add particular genes to cells from the body to make them behave like embryonic stem cells. Genes give cells instructions about how to behave. So, this process is a bit like changing the instructions in a computer programme to make the computer do a new task. Scientists call the process they use to make iPS cells ‘genetic reprogramming’. Why are they exciting? Researchers hope that one day they might be able to use iPS cells to help treat diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. They hope to: Take cells from the body - like skin cells - from a patient Make iPS cells Use those iPS cells to grow the specialized cells the patient needs to recover from the disease, e.g. certain brain cells. These cells would be made from the patient’s own skin cells so the body would not reject them. There is a long way to go before scientists can do this, but iPS cells are an exciting discovery. Advantage: no need for embryos! 51


53 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells)
genetic reprogramming pluripotent stem cell (iPS) cell from the body (skin) differentiation Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) This is an alternative representation of the same information as on the previous slide. Please see the previous explanatory notes. 53

54 Nuove strategie teraupetiche
Anticorpi o vaccini contro marker di superficie specifici Terapia mirata al paziente Colpire i pathway tipici delle CSC ( WnT, TGF-brta, Notch…)

55 Direzioni future -Necessità di caratterizzare le CSCs a livello di singola cellula - Capire i meccanismi biochimici e genetici che controllano il self-renewal, la suddivisione asimmetrica e il ruolo della nicchia nel regolare le proprietà biologiche Caratterizzare la risposta delle CSCs ai reagenti chemioterapici -Sviluppare le strategie terapeutiche per prevenire la ricorrenza del tumore

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