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Direttore UOC ASL Frosinone

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Presentazione sul tema: "Direttore UOC ASL Frosinone"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 Direttore UOC ASL Frosinone
Caso clinico: paziente HER2+ con ricaduta precoce dopo trattamento adiuvante Teresa Gamucci Direttore UOC ASL Frosinone

2 Caso clinico…scenari possibili!
Pz che ricade in corso di chemioterapia adiuvante Trastuzumab  Terapia di I linea metastatica con capecitabina e lapatinib (decreto 648)

3 Caso clinico…scenari possibili!
Pz che ricade dopo 8 mesi dal termine della chemioterapia con Trastuzumab: 1 Inclusione in un protocollo di ricerca con nuovi farmaci anti-HER2 2 Chemioterapia + Trastuzumab RHEA study : 61% RR (PD > 6 mesi) Lang et al. ASCO 2011

4 Il nostro caso clinico 38 anni Un figlio
Comorbidità: diverticolosi intestinale Luglio 2008: Quadrantectomia SE mammella sn + linfectomia ascellare omolaterale E.I. pT2(3cm) pN3a (10/14) ER=neg PgR=neg ki67=60% HER2=3+ Stadiazione post-operatoria: negativa

5 Il nostro caso clinico Agosto 2008 – Gennaio 2009 CT adiuvante: E(100)C x 4  Taxolo 80 mg/mq x 12 settimane Gennaio 2009 – Febbraio 2009: RT complementare mammella sx + regione sotto e sovraclaveare sn Marzo 2009 – Marzo 2010 Trastuzumab q21

6 Il nostro caso clinico Luglio 2010
TC TB con mdc: PD epatica di malattia per comparsa di 3 lesioni: 15 e 12 mm nel VI segmento e 20 mm nel II segmento Scintigrafia ossea: negativa Paziente asintomatica

7 Riepilogo Malattia HER2 + 10 linfonodi metastatici alla diagnosi
Trattamento sequenziale Trastuzumab mai somministrato insieme alla chemioterapia Ricaduta precoce di malattia ( ILM 4mesi )

1. Dalla resistenza al Trastuzumab 2. Dalla sospensione della chemioterapia e del Trastuzumab

9 Caso Clinico 3 Riepilogo
Malattia HER2 + 10 linfonodi metastatici alla diagnosi Trattamento sequenziale Trastuzumab mai somministrato insieme alla chemioterapia Ricaduta precoce di malattia ( ILM 4mesi )

10 Il vantaggio di Trastuzumab nella malattia metastatica HER2 +
La presenza di un netto vantaggio in termini di sopravvivenza a favore di trastuzumab, indipendentemente dalla CT di associazione, ne sottolinea l’utilità che nasce dallo sfruttamento di un meccanismo d’azione nuovo, indipendente e sinergico a quello di altre terapie consolidate. 10

11 Caso Clinico 3 Riepilogo
Malattia HER2 + 10 linfonodi metastatici alla diagnosi Trattamento sequenziale Trastuzumab mai somministrato insieme alla chemioterapia Ricaduta precoce di malattia ( ILM 4mesi )

12 Prognosi delle pz N >10 dopo chemioterapia adiuvante
Volker Moebus , Michael Untch et al. 10 JUNE 2010 Intense Dose-Dense Sequential Chemotherapy With Epirubicin, Paclitaxel, and Cyclophosphamide Compared With Conventionally Scheduled Chemotherapy in High-Risk Primary Breast Cancer: Mature Results of an AGO Phase III Study

13 Prognosi delle pz HER2+ per numero di N+ N9831/ B-31
N 1-3 nodes N 4-9 nodes N 10+ nodes HR neg HR pos Edward H. Romond,, Edith A. Perez et al. N ENGL J MED 353; 16

14 Caso Clinico Riepilogo
10 linfonodi metastatici alla diagnosi Trattamento sequenziale Trastuzumab mai somministrato insieme alla chemioterapia Ricaduta precoce di malattia

15 Attività di Trastuzumab nel tempo

16 NCCTG N9831 updated analysis: DFS (sequential vs
NCCTG N9831 updated analysis: DFS (sequential vs. concurrent trastuzumab) 100 89.1% 84.2% 80 85.7% 79.8% Patients (%) 60 n Events 40 ACP+HH ACPH Reference 1. Garnock-Jones et al. Drugs 2010; 70 (2): HR=0.77; CI (0.61, 0.96); p=0.019* 20 Years from randomisation 1 2 3 4 5 No. at risk 837 830 788 766 740 705 676 641 456 418 Censored population; *significant p value pre-defined as p= Median follow-up: 5.5 years; Perez et al. 2009 Garnock-Jones et al 2010 16 16

Lapatinib + Capecitabina Trastuzumab + Navelbine o altro chemioterapico

18 Caso Clinico Riepilogo
Malattia HER2 + 10 linfonodi metastatici alla diagnosi Trattamento sequenziale Trastuzumab mai somministrato insieme alla chemioterapia Ricaduta precoce di malattia ( ILM 4 mesi)

19 1021 patients treated with trastuzumab in
adjuvant setting according to the HERA protocol T1 54% T2 35% T3 5% T4 5% N- 46% N+ 54% Early Relapses % (=<18 months from start of treatment) Late Relapses % (>18months from start of treatment )

20 HERNATA study: Trastuzumab +navelbine or docetaxel in first line HER2 + patients
Respone Rate: 59.3 % both arms Median TTP: 15.3 vs 12.4 Toxicities: G3-4: 81 vs 51 % p .ooo1 M. Andersson et al. J Clin Oncol 29:

21 All patients were retreated with trastuzumab + vinorelbine
Safety and activity of trastuzumab plus chemotherapy as first line therapy for breast cancer patients previously treated according to HERA trial: a single institution experience Responses to the first line therapy Patients with HER2-positive MBC who have relapse after receiving adjuvant trastuzumab + chemotherapy (=9) All patients were retreated with trastuzumab + vinorelbine No drop of left-ventricular ejection fraction or other relevant toxicities PR (n=5) Reference Scandurra G et al., POSTER AIOM 2009 CR (n=1) SD (n=1) Trastuzumab appeared safe and active in the above small group of quickly relapsed patients previously treated according to HERA trial Scandurra G et al ASCO 2010 21

22 La sospensione di trastuzumab determina ricrescita delle cellule tumorali
2,000 1,500 1,000 500 Controllo Trastuzumab Cisplatino Trastuzumab + Cisplatino Pietras et al. Oncogene 1998;17:2235–49

23 DEMETRA STUDY The continuation group represented patients of younger age (52 vs.56 years), smaller size of first metastatic lesion at progression (20 vs. 25 mm), a higher number of resected lymph nodes (18 vs. 15), more taxane (68.8 vs. 39.8%) and gemcitabine (14.3 vs. 0.8%) therapy, fewer visceral-only metastases (8.4 vs. 21.2%), more multiple metastases (80.5 vs. 59.3%) and fewer liver-only metastases (6.5 vs. 16.9%), a higher number of target lesions (2 vs. 1), and a higherresponse to trastuzumab-based therapy (51.3 vs. 37.3%) in the metastatic disease (see also Supplementary Table 1). ….still showed that discontinuation of trastuzumab at metastatic disease progression was a risk factor that significantly reduced overall survival in both responder (HR = 2.23; 95% CI = 1.03–4.82) and non-responder groups (HR = 3.53, 95% CI = 1.73–7.21), with no significant differences in the two estimated HRs (P-value of the likelihood-ratio test = 0.690). These results suggest that continued trastuzumab treatment after disease progression has clinically and statistically significant effects in both responder and non-responder subgroups, even after balancing the differences in the groups who continued or discontinued the treatment. In addition, responders and non-responders did not show significant differences in overall survival (HR = 0.91, 95% CI = 0.46–1.67, P = 0.760).

24 Lapatinib + capecitabina

25 Lapatinib + capecitabina

26 Diarrea G2-G4=33% Geyer et al. N Engl J Med 2006;355:2733–43

27 [TITLE] M Pegram, ASCO 2011

28 A challenge for clinical/translational investigators
Define who is clinically resistant (in light of clinical activity of Trastuzumab even beyond progression) Seek mechanism(s) in the given individual Exploit known mechanisms of resistance with targeted agents

29 Why is not at all a trivial set ?
For most of the targets there are no validated assay reagents In the case of acquired resistance the expression of resistance facors is likely to be a moving factor that might require repeated sampling over time Low frequency of a particular resistance factor Natural history of HER2-positive MBC in the adjuvant Trastuzumab era is largely unknown


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