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Università degli Studi di Bari Dipartimento dell’Emergenza e dei Trapianti d’Organo Sezione di Urologia e Trapianti di Rene NEOPLASIE DELLA VESCICA

2 Epidemiologia 4° tumore più frequente nell’uomo
Neoplasie della vescica Epidemiologia Tre volte più frequente nell’uomo 4° tumore più frequente nell’uomo 10° tumore più frequente nella donna L’età media di diagnosi è 65 anni

3 Fattori di rischio Fumo di sigaretta Rischio relativo >2-5 volte
Neoplasie della vescica Fattori di rischio Fumo di sigaretta Rischio relativo >2-5 volte 50% ca vescicali La sospensione riduce del 30-60% il rischio relativo Esposizione alle arilamine 25% ca vescicali 2-naftilamine, benzidine, 4-aminobifenile Chemioterapia Ciclofosfamide, Fenacetina Irradiazione della pelvi Aming CL Curr Probl Cancer 2001,25:219

Neoplasie della vescica FATTORI OCCUPAZIONALI Operai chimici Lavoratori nelle industrie automobilistiche Lavoratori della gomma Verniciatori Lavoratori dell’alluminio Lavatori a secco Autisti di camion Macchinisti

5 Infezioni croniche Infezioni urinarie ricorrenti
Neoplasie della vescica Infezioni croniche Infezioni urinarie ricorrenti Rischio doppio di sviluppare cr. vescicale Kantor,1984 Schistosoma haematobium HPV (sierotipo 16 e 18) Payet,1962; Cohen,1992

6 Ereditarietà autosomico dominante multifattoriale Attività enzimatiche
Neoplasie della vescica Ereditarietà autosomico dominante identificato solo in poche famiglie multifattoriale predisposizione familiare + esposizione ambientale Attività enzimatiche bassa attività dell’arilamina acetil-transferasi bassa attività di glutatione transferasi

7 Alterazioni genetiche e progressione neoplastica
Neoplasie della vescica Alterazioni genetiche e progressione neoplastica

8 Classificazione istologica
Neoplasie della vescica Classificazione istologica Tumori uroteliali 90% dei casi 70% sono superficiali, 30% invasivi Alto rischio di recidiva (50-70%) Tumori non uroteliali Adenocarcinoma (0.5-2%) Ca squamoso (5%) ma il 75% in medio oriente Melanoma,sarcoma,linfoma,endometriosi

9 Neoplasie della vescica

10 Tis: in situ: “tumore piatto” Ta: papillare non invasivo
Neoplasie della vescica CLASSIFICAZIONE TNM Tis: in situ: “tumore piatto” Ta: papillare non invasivo T1: tessuto connettivo subepiteliale T2: parete muscolare T2a: metà interna T2b: metà esterna T3: tessuti periviscerali T3a: microscopicamente T3b: massa extravescicale T4a: prostata, utero, vagina T4b: parete pelvica o addominale N1: unica < 2 cm N2: unica > 2 cm N3: > 5 cm

11 Otturatori:74% Iliaci esterni:65% Presacrali:25% Iliaci interni: 20%
Neoplasie della vescica Metastasi ai linfonodi Otturatori:74% Iliaci esterni:65% Presacrali:25% Iliaci interni: 20%

12 Sintomatologia Ematuria (80% dei casi) Macro o microscopica
Neoplasie della vescica Sintomatologia Ematuria (80% dei casi) Macro o microscopica Gravità è indipendente dal grado e stadio della neoplasia Spesso asintomatica Irritabillità vescicale Frequente con il CIS Pollachiuria, urgenza, disuria Dolore Sedi metastatiche Colica renale in caso di ostruzione ureterale

13 Diagnosi Esame urine Ecografia vescicale Citologia urinaria
Neoplasie della vescica Diagnosi Esame urine Ecografia vescicale Citologia urinaria Urografia endovenosa Uretrocistoscopia TAC - RMN

14 Ematuria 15% pts con macroematuria indolente 2% pts con microematuria
Neoplasie della vescica Ematuria 15% pts con macroematuria indolente 2% pts con microematuria Molte patologie benigne hanno ematuria (sintomi aiutano nella Dx) Se persistente microematuria (3-5RBC/HPF) considera work-up Studi caso-controllo sull’esame dell’urina per la diagnosi di ca vescicale anticipa di 5-6 anni la diagnosi Analisi su una popolazione di 1046 pts 11 BC dopo oltre 2 anni dall’ inizio dell’ematuria vs 4.3 previsti cistoscopia inizialmente negativa in 8 Causa: angiogenesi/infiammazione con fragilità microvascolare

15 Cause di ematuria Neoplasie della vescica Rene
Glomeruli Glomerulonefriti, nefriti ereditarie Interstizio Nefrite interstiziale, allergica o infettiva, Malattie cistiche, nefropatia da analgesici Vascolare Trombosi o embolia arteriosa, Malformazioni artero-venose, Trombosi vena renale, Anomalie anatomiche Ischemia Necrosi papillare Meccanica Traumi, Esercizio fisico Vie urinarie Infezioni Calcoli Neoplasie (vescica, uretere, prostata) Sostanze tossiche (cytoxan) Cause Metaboliche Coagulopatia, anemia a cellule falciformi Ipercalciuria (300mg/d), Iperuricuria (>750mg/d)

16 Neoplasie della vescica
Citologia urinaria Esame standard e non invasivo, tumore specifico Sensibilità: 38-60% Specificità: % (su 3 campioni) Alta sensibilità (95%) per la diagnosi di CIS e neoplasie di alto grado di malignità Bassa accuratezza (10-50%) per i tumori di basso grado Criteri per la diagnosi di malignità: Aumento rapporto nucleo/citoplasma Nucleoli prominenti Richiede un anatomopatologo dedicato Variabilità nell’ interpretazione 20% falsi positivi: flogosi, radioterapia

17 Neoplasie della vescica

18 CISTOSCOPIA Gold standard nella diagnosi di ca vescicale
Neoplasie della vescica CISTOSCOPIA Gold standard nella diagnosi di ca vescicale Visualizzazione completa della mucosa vescicale ed uretrale Esame invasivo - Anestetico locale intrauretrale Follow-up trimestrale Sensibilità 73% - Specificità 68% Specificità: 97% con la fluorescenza indotta con acido 5-aminolevulinico

19 Neoformazioni papillari
Neoplasie della vescica UROGRAFIA e TAC Neoformazioni papillari Multiple

20 Interessamento ureterale
Neoplasie della vescica UROGRAFIA e TAC Interessamento ureterale

21 parete vescicale destra
Neoplasie della vescica UROGRAFIA e TAC Grosse neoformazioni parete vescicale destra


23 Opzioni terapeutiche Resezione transuretrale (TURBT) Laserterapia
Neoplasie della vescica Opzioni terapeutiche Resezione transuretrale (TURBT) Laserterapia Terapia fotodinamica Terapia endovescicale Chemioterapia BCG Interferone Cistectomia Chemioterapia sistemica Radioterapia Treatment options for superficial bladder cancer include transurethral resection, cystectomy, laser therapy, photodynamic therapy, intravesical therapy with either chemotherapy or immunotherapies such as bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and/or interferon.

24 TURBT Trattamento iniziale standard
Neoplasie della vescica TURBT Trattamento iniziale standard Rimozione del tumore nella sede primaria Esame istologico Campionamento separato della base del tumore (tessuto muscolare) Ricerca del CIS in aree distanti dalla sede tumorale primaria Biopsie di aree sospette Biopsie random Campionamento della prostata

25 Carcinoma vescicale superficiale

26 Laser terapia Permette la resezione del tumore nella sede primaria
Neoplasie della vescica Laser terapia Permette la resezione del tumore nella sede primaria Fonte al Neodimio Vantaggi: minor sanguinamento Meno invasivo può essere utilizzato con il cistoscopiio flessibile Minor irritazione vescicale postoperatoria Svantaggi: Assenza di materiale per l’analisi istologica Consigliabile per la terapia delle recidive vescicali Laser therapy, most commonly with the neodymium:yttrium-aluminum- garnet laser with an end-fire noncontact fiber, can be used for tumor ablation, but does not allow for pathologic analysis. Thus, it is more commonly reserved for treatment of recurrences so that pathologic analysis can be performed on the initial tumor. Advantages compared with transurethral resection (TUR) include minimal bleeding, use of flexible cystoscopes, and less postoperative bladder irritation.

27 Neoplasie della vescica
Terapia fotodinamica Terapia sperimentale con fotosensibilizzatori che aumentano la sensibilità delle cellule cancerose alla fototerapia Instillazione pretrattamento endovescicale di ematoporfirina Vescica illuminata per minuti tramite fonte laser tramite una fibra introdotta con un cistoscopio Anestesia generale o locale Luce rossa per il CIS e verde per gli altri tumori Da usare in caso di fallimento della terapia endovescicale Tossicità ne limita l’uso Photodynamic therapy uses a photosensitizer (a hematoporphyrin preparation) to enhance the photosensitization of cancerous cells to subsequent administration of light therapy. The photosensitizing drug can be given intravesically before light administration. The whole bladder is illuminated for 12 to 20 minutes via laser light with an optical fiber passed through a standard cystoscope, with the patient under general or modified local anesthesia. Red light is often used for the light therapy because it is absorbed by the lowest excitation band of the porphyrins and will penetrate tissue up to 1 cm, but is not well absorbed by normal hemoglobin in the bladder wall. For treating carcinoma in situ (CIS), green light is better because it delivers higher energy with less tissue penetration. Photodynamic therapy’s most common use is for patients who do not respond to intravesical therapy. It is more effective for small than for large tumors. Toxicity includes significant irritative bladder symptoms associated with microscopic hematuria, dermal sensitivity resulting in sunburn, decreased bladder volume, and debilitating fibrosis requiring cystectomy.

28 Prognosi dei tumori superficiali primitivi
Neoplasie della vescica Prognosi dei tumori superficiali primitivi Recidiva Progressione Mortalità Rischio basso TaG1 T1G1 singolo Rischio intermedio T1G1 multiplo TaG2 T1G2 singolo Rischio alto T1G2 multiplo Tutti i G3 CIS 37% 0% 0% 45% 1.8% 0.7% 54% 15% 9.5% Millan-Rodriguez J Urol 2000, 164:680.

29 Terapia endovescicale
Neoplasie della vescica Terapia endovescicale Razionale: Profilassi:Riduzione del rischio di recidiva e progressione nei tumori superficiali dopo TURBT. Terapia: CIS o tumori multipli in caso di TURBT non risolutiva Indicazioni: Recidive multiple Tumori di diametro >5cm Invasione della tonaca propria (stadio T1) Malattia multifocale Ta di alto grado CIS Coinvolgimento dell’uretra prostatica Citologia positiva (dopo work-up negativo per le alte vie urinarie) Patients with small, solitary, well-differentiated Ta tumors have a low risk of recurrence following transurethral resection (TUR). Thus, intravesical therapy may be unnecessary in this population. Superficial bladder cancer patients with multiple tumor recurrences or a recurrence within 3 to 6 months of resection, lamina propria invasion, multifocal or high-grade disease, T1 tumor of any grade, a large (>5 cm) solid tumor, carcinoma in situ, extravesical involvement, or a positive cytology after TUR (in the presence of a negative complete workup for upper urinary tract disease) are all candidates for induction and maintenance intravesical therapy. These patients have a higher risk of recurrence following TUR.

30 Progressione di malattia e sopravvivenza
Neoplasie della vescica Progressione di malattia e sopravvivenza Stadio Grado Progressione Sopravvivenza 5 anni 10 anni Ta 1 0-2% 100% 95% 2 10-20 95 89 3 40-50 84 T1 10-20% 90% 78% 70 50 CIS 30-50% 70% 55%

31 Chemioterapia endovescicale
Neoplasie della vescica Chemioterapia endovescicale Metanalisi di 8 trial randomizzati di chemioterapia intravescicale Riduzione delle recidive rispetto alla solo TURBT ad 1 anno del 38% a 3 anni del 70% La doxorubicina è il farmaco meno efficace Odd ratio 0.62 ad 1 anno, 0.46 a 2 anni, 0.35 a 3 anni La chemioterapia ha un impatto importante sull’ incidenza delle recidive In contrast to previous meta-analyses, a recent meta-analysis from the Marshfield Clinic Cancer Center, Marshfield, Wis., found that intravesical chemotherapy has “a major impact on decreasing the chance of recurrence of recurrent superficial bladder cancer.” This review of eight randomized trials concluded that the odds ratios for recurrence were 0.62, 0.46, and 0.35 with adjuvant chemotherapy versus transurethral resection (TUR) alone at years 1, 2, and 3, respectively, representing a 38% reduction at 1 year and up to a 70% reduction at 3 years. The 2- and 3-year data were found to be heterogeneous according to drug type, with doxorubicin having the least impact on rate of recurrence.1 Reference 1. Huncharek M, McGarry R, Kupelnick B. Impact of intravesical chemotherapy on recurrence rate of recurrent superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: results of a meta-analysis. Anticancer Res. 2001;21: Huncharek M Anticancer Res 2001, 21:765.

32 Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
Neoplasie della vescica Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Micobatteri vivi attenuati Ciclo di 6 instillazioni settimanali Somministrazione dopo 14 giorni dalla TURBT a vescica vuota dopo restrizione idrica per 4 ore Se il cateterismo è stato traumatico rimandare la tx Mantenere la sospensione per 2 ore Evitare chinolonici, aminoglucosidi, macrolidi, tetracicline Urinare seduti per evitare disseminazione e disinfettare le urine con detergenti casalinghi Three brands of intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy are available in the United States: TheraCys® (Connaught strain), Tice® (developed from the Pasteur strain), and Pacis® (Armand-Frappier strain). Because they differ in dry weight (mg), bioequivalence is measured in colony-forming units of bacteria. Although there are no data directly comparing the available strains of BCG, worldwide consensus is that most strains are essentially identical in terms of their intrinsic biologic activity. There may be important differences in processing and packaging, however, that affect stability in solution, shelf life, and total colony-forming unit count. At the standard starting doses, these differences are likely inapparent, but as the doses are progressively reduced, differences may become more clinically relevant. The strain used in Pacis (Armand-Frappier strain) is very closely related to the Connaught strain (Theracys), and was the first strain used in early studies to prove that BCG was a successful agent for bladder cancer. O’Donnell et al (unpublished data, 2002) tested Tice and Theracys in mixing experiments with interferon. Theracys outperformed Tice in the stability tests. Both strains had good viability during the first 2 hours after reconstitution. However, after 2 hours of continuous shaking in normal saline at a temperature of 37°C (to simulate conditions in the bladder), the viability of Tice began to decrease precipitously, whereas viability of Theracys showed a slow steady rate of decline, using the MTT metabolic activity assay. Thus, irrespective of the strain chosen, BCG should be administered immediately after reconstitution, and treatment completed within 2 hours. In contrast, Conly et al1 found that Tice and Theracys both had stable colony counts even 4 hours after reconstitution. Dr. O’Donnell notes that there may have been differences in the experimental conditions (eg, temperature) in these two investigations, and that only a single lot of Tice was tested in his investigation. Dr. O’Donnell has noted that sites participating in his ongoing studies are allowed to use any of the three BCG products. To date, clinical efficacy responses appear identical for Tice and Theracys in both BCG-naive and BCG-failure populations (O’Donnell MA, AUA North Central Section Annual Meeting; September 2002; Chicago, Ill), but there may be differences in local side effects that he continues to study (O’Donnell, personal communication, August 2002). Reference Conly J, Phillips A, Campbell I, Dedier H, Cork L. Stability of reconstituted freeze-dried bacille Calmette-Guerin used for intravesical immunotherapy for bladder cancer. Can J Urol. 1998;5:

33 Tossicità della terapia con BCG
Neoplasie della vescica Tossicità della terapia con BCG Minore Irritabilità vescicale Febbre Sindrome influenzale Ematuria Nausea Anoressia Artralgie Cefalea Maggiore Sepsi (<1-3%) Infezione d’organo specifica UTI, orchiepididimiti Anemia, leucopenia Coagulopatia Vescica contratta Ostruzione urinaria The major and minor toxicities associated with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy are listed here. The majority of patients treated with BCG experience irritative bladder effects, which can usually be managed symptomatically. These symptoms typically begin 4 to 6 hours after instillation and last 24 to 72 hours. Flulike symptoms are often due to hypersensitivity reactions and can also be treated symptomatically or with antihistamines. Adverse effects tend to increase in frequency and severity with each subsequent instillation.1-3 BCG is an infectious agent, and some of its more serious adverse, albeit rare, events include BCG sepsis, urinary tract infection (UTI), orchitis/epididymitis, or infection of the lung, liver, bone, bone marrow, kidney, regional lymph nodes, or prostate. Deaths have been reported as a result of systemic BCG infection and sepsis. To reduce the risk of systemic BCG infection, BCG administration should be avoided for 1 to 2 weeks following transurethral resection, biopsy, or traumatic catheterization. Patients should be monitored after each intravesical treatment for signs and symptoms of toxicity, including flulike symptoms lasting >72 hours, fever ≥103°F, systemic manifestations that increase in intensity with repeated instillations, or persistent abnormalities of liver function tests. Local symptoms that last more than 2 to 3 days may also suggest an active BCG infection. Some patients are not candidates for BCG therapy because of immunosuppression or other immune deficiencies.1-3 References 1. Tice [product information]. West Orange, NJ: Organon Inc; 1998. 2. TheraCys [product information]. Swiftwater, Pa: Aventis Pasteur Ltd; 1999. 3. Pacis [product information]. Oklahoma City, Okla: UroCor, Inc; 2000.

34 Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
Neoplasie della vescica Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Un ciclo di 6 somministrazioni settimanali non è sufficiente Riduce significativamente la recidiva e probabilmente la progressione nel lungo termine Assenza di fattori predittivi la risposta Recidive precoci hanno una prognosi sfavorevole Nuove strategie terapeutiche sono in sperimentazione We have learned several lessons from long-term experience with intravesical bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) therapy: a single 6-week course of therapy is not sufficient; BCG appears to delay progression more effectively than chemotherapy, but may not prevent progression; there is no effective way to predict who will respond to BCG; and patients who recur early following BCG therapy generally have a poor prognosis. BCG is associated with substantial local, and occasional systemic, toxicity. Adjuvant immunotherapy for superficial bladder cancer is clearly not optimal. New strategies might include more intensive induction regimens, effective maintenance therapy, and strategies to enhance the activity of BCG therapy. For example, a double-blind clinical trial showed a 40% reduction in 5-year recurrence rates when megadoses of vitamins were given to BCG patients.1 Reference 1. Lamm DL, Riggs DR, Shriver JS, vanGilder PF, Rach JF, DeHaven JI. Megadose vitamins in bladder cancer: a double-blind clinical trial. J Urol. 1994;151:21-26.

35 Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin
Neoplasie della vescica Terapia con Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Terapia consigliata Ciclo d’induzione: 6 instillazioni settimanali Mantenimento: 3 instillazioni settimanali al Maintenance therapy regimens have varied from one investigation to another, and different maintenance schedules are recommended in the prescribing information for each available strain of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG). The maintenance regimen recommended here is adapted from the one used in the Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) study of BCG maintenance therapy,1 since this study has provided the best evidence of benefit from maintenance therapy. Six 1-week courses are given as induction therapy, usually beginning 2 weeks after transurethral resection. Three-week courses of maintenance therapy are then given at months 3 and 6, then every 6 months for a total of 3 years, and then yearly for another 3 years. The last three doses, given at a yearly interval, were not included in the SWOG trial but are intended to decrease the rate of recurrences observed 1 year after completion of the SWOG maintenance regimen. The second or third week of the three maintenance courses can be withheld in patients who experience increased side effects, since these patients are demonstrating sufficient immune response. Reference 1. Lamm DL, Blumenstein BA, Crissman JD, et al. Maintenance bacillus Calmette- Guerin immunotherapy for recurrent TA, T1 and carcinoma in situ transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder: a randomized Southwest Oncology Group Study. J Urol ;163: mese

36 Cistectomia radicale Indicazioni
Neoplasie della vescica Cistectomia radicale Indicazioni Ca vescicale infiltrante la tonaca muscolare Progressione di grado e/o stadio dopo immunoterapia Ca vescicale di alto grado, CIS o pT1 dopo 6 mesi dall’ immunoterapia Dopo un ciclo d’induzione dell’immunoterapia per T1G3 Dopo due cicli d’induzione dell’immunoterapia per CIS, T1G2 o TaG3 Although bladder preservation is clearly preferable to cystectomy, this should not override patient survival and curative potential. Thus, in the presence of high-risk factors, failure of conservative therapies should prompt consideration of more aggressive treatment (ie, cystectomy). Moreover, in select patients who are at high risk of progression, metastases, and death, radical cystectomy may be an option as initial therapy.

37 Neoplasie della vescica
Cistectomia radicale Sopravvivenza libera da recidiva correlata allo stadio Assenza di tossicità della chemioterapia intravescicale Sottostadiazione avviene nel 35% dei pazienti nel 34-62% dei casi l’ errori di stadiazione clinica comporta una prognosi peggiore La ricostruzione ortotopica della vescica e le tecniche nerve-sparing hanno migliorato la qualità della vita There are a number of rationales for considering aggressive therapy for bladder cancer— ie, cystectomy. Whereas the potential for progression and death remain following transurethral resection and intravesical therapies, cystectomy is associated with excellent recurrence-free overall survival rates (median 10.2 years in those with accurate preoperative staging).1 Some patients may also choose early cystectomy to avoid exposure to toxicities of intravesical therapies. Concerns about clinical understaging provide another rationale for early cystectomy. Clinical staging errors occurs in 34% to 62% of cases.2 In one series, at the time of cystectomy, 34% of patients were upstaged to muscle-invasive or metastatic disease.1 Another study reported that 44% of patients with carcinoma in situ and 37% of patients with T1 tumors were understaged, and that understaging was associated with worse cancer-specific survival rates.3 Historically, urinary tract reconstruction after radical cystectomy entailed use of the ileum as a urinary conduit and urostomy, which required an external urine-collecting device. The social impact and effects on quality of life made this an unappealing option for many patients. Subsequent options allowed for use of the small intestine to make a content cutaneous reservoir, which could be drained using intermittent catheterization. The newest surgical technique (orthotopic neobladder) allows connection of the small bowel pouch to the urethra, eliminating the need for external appliances. Orthotopic diversion is associated with complication rates similar to those of standard ileal conduit urinary diversion.2 These options have been met with greater patient satisfaction, lessened the social impact, and reduced the negative effects of cystectomy on quality of life. References Freeman JA, Esrig D, Stein JP, et al. Radical cystectomy for high risk patients with superficial bladder cancer in the era of orthotopic urinary reconstruction. Cancer. 1995;76: Stein JP. Indications for early cystectomy. Semin Urol Oncol. 2000;18: Amling CL, Thrasher JB, Frazier HA, et al. Radical cystectomy for stages Ta, Tis, and T1 transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder. J Urol. 1994;151:31-35.

38 Carcinoma vescicale infiltrante
Neoplasie della vescica Carcinoma vescicale infiltrante

39 Sopravvivenza a 5 anni dopo cistectomia
Neoplasie della vescica Sopravvivenza a 5 anni dopo cistectomia pT % pT % pN <30% pM <5%

40 Derivazione urinaria Non continente -ureterocutaneostomia
Neoplasie della vescica Derivazione urinaria Non continente -ureterocutaneostomia -uretero-ileo-cutaneostomia sec. Bricker Continente -derivazione ureterocolica Ureterosigmoidea tasca sigmoidea -sostituzione vescicale Camey I e II Mainz I e II Kock Hautmann intestino integro biopsie uretrali negative funzione renale conservata buone condizioni generali

41 Chemioterapia sistemica
Neoplasie della vescica Chemioterapia sistemica Terapia nel cancro vescicale metastatico: Chemioterapia citotossica : -Paclitaxel -Ifosfamide -Nitrato di gallio -M-vac(risp.compl. nel % con sopravvivenza media di mesi) Gemcitabina-Cisplatino Radioterapia palliativa


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