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J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007 Mar-Apr;30(3):247. Chiropractic management of cow's milk protein intolerance in infants with sleep dysfunction syndrome:

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Presentazione sul tema: "J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007 Mar-Apr;30(3):247. Chiropractic management of cow's milk protein intolerance in infants with sleep dysfunction syndrome:"— Transcript della presentazione:

1 J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2007 Mar-Apr;30(3):247. Chiropractic management of cow's milk protein intolerance in infants with sleep dysfunction syndrome: a therapeutic trial. Jamison JRJamison JR, Davies NJ.Davies NJ

2 Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2006 Dec;17(8):601-5. Continuing food-avoidance diets after negative food challenges. Eigenmann PAEigenmann PA, Caubet JC, Zamora SA.Caubet JCZamora SA One quarter of previously allergic patients continue a food avoidance diet despite a negative challenge.

3 Isr Med Assoc J. 2005 Dec;7(12):796-8. Camel milk for food allergies in children. Shabo YShabo Y, Barzel R, Margoulis M, Yagil R.Barzel RMargoulis MYagil R

4 Leron 18-03-2005, 20:41 ho fatto una visita da un omeopata una volta mi ha messo in mano una boccetta di acqua mi ha prmuto il bracci piano e ha detto che era ok mi ha messo in mano una boccetta di latte mi ha premuto il braccio praticamente sedendosi sopra e mi ha detto "visto che il braccio si abbassa"? sei intollerante al lattosio :D

5 Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2004 Dec;15(6):566-9. Comment in: Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2005 Sep;16(6):553. Food allergy as a risk factor for nutritional rickets. Fox ATFox AT, Du Toit G, Lang A, Lack G.Du Toit GLang ALack G Department of Paediatric Allergy, St Mary's Hospital, London, UK.

6 Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):E46. Comment in: Pediatrics. 2001 Apr;107(4):E45. Severe nutritional deficiencies in toddlers resulting from health food milk alternatives. Carvalho NFCarvalho NF, Kenney RD, Carrington PH, Hall DE.Kenney RDCarrington PHHall DE

7 Arch Dermatol. 2001 May;137(5):630-6. Comment in: Arch Dermatol. 2002 Jun;138(6):838.Arch Dermatol. 2002 Jun;138(6):838. Kwashiorkor in the United States: fad diets, perceived and true milk allergy, and nutritional ignorance. Liu TLiu T, Howard RM, Mancini AJ, Weston WL, Paller AS, Drolet BA, Esterly NB, Levy ML, Schachner L, Frieden IJ.Howard RMMancini AJWeston WLPaller ASDrolet BA Esterly NBLevy MLSchachner LFrieden IJ Br Med J. 1979 Feb 3;1(6159):296-8.

8 Malnutrition in infants receiving cult diets: a form of child abuse. Roberts IFRoberts IF, West RJ, Ogilvie D, Dillon MJ.West RJOgilvie DDillon MJ

9 APPORTO NUTRIZIONALE (LARN) Tasso di soggetti con LARN < 85% P<0.01 Controlli Allergia Alimentare arruolamento 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 P<0.05 dopo 2 mesi Maggiori errori riguardano l’apporto proteico e lipidico. Riduzione di Zinco, RBP, Acidi grassi essenziali

10 % soggetti BMI pc<10° Controlli Allergia Alimentare p<0.05 VALUTAZIONE DELL’INDICE DI MASSA CORPOREA 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 arruolamento p<0.05 dopo 2 mesi

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